Fraser Coast RV Park Horizonal Logo

Photography workshop on 28 June 2025 - followed by Open Mic/Jam

Come along to this workshop to hear from Ellen Foulds about the importance of capturing your musical moment.

Ellen captured this image of John Farnham at a Concert in Hervey Bay.

Tips and Tricks

Q & A

1 hour duration followed by Open Mic & Jam session.

Remember all professional musicians are entitled to free entry.  We are looking forward to “setting you up for success”and building the flourishing music community on the Fraser Coast.

Back to Harmonise page with links to all the Workshop & Open Mic nights

Lucky Door prize at each event - Win a night for 2 in Gertrude the Gypsy Wagon

On site accommodation options at Fraser Coast RV Park include

Mango Lodge

Gertrude the Gypsy Wagon and

Bertha the Aussie Van

Mango Lodge wheelchair access
Gertrude the Gypsy Wagon
Bertha - exterior

So if you don’t feel like hooking up your camping gear or the weather is looking bad, why not choose one of our onsite options.

You can choose from 5 star luxury in Mango Lodge

to budget style with comfort in Gertrude or Bertha.

All air conditioned

Mango Lodge
Gypsy Wagon Interior
Bertha - double bed