Held in the Hibiscus Room at the Kondari Hotel – come along and learn all about performance and live music. These music workshops have been designed to cater for all abilities. Come along and listen to the experts as they reveal their stories and tips and tricks in the music trade. If you love live music you will enjoy these workshops. You can also enjoy a live music jam session with fellow musicians. Entry is free to professional musicians and we would like to encourage you to join in and spread the joy that live music brings. Lets keep the live music scene flourishing on the Fraser Coast by supporting these live music events and see if we can get more live bands performing in venues across the Fraser Coast.
Our first session on 22 MARCH 2025 covers stage presence and microphone with Lyle Goschnick. Lyle has a wealth of experience and has been working behind the scenes doing the sound for River Heads Rocks. You might also remember Lyle from the River Heads Open Mic Nights.
Lyle has so many interesting stories to share about his musical journey and just to listen to some of those stories is worth the admission.
Proudly brought to you by the Regional Arts Development Fund in partnership with the Queensland Government and the Fraser Coast Regional Council